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 作者  DCaty (偽紅十字會 唾棄)                                 看板  Browsers 
 標題  Re: [-Fx-] Firefox 5.0 Beta 1 released                                 
 時間  Thu May  5 23:56:05 2011                                               

※ 引述《Dynason (So what?)》之銘言:
: Firefox 5.0 正式版預計6/22釋出,目前釋出了第一個 beta 版
: 更新內容如下:
: * Tab multi-select
: * A new tab page
: * Add-ons will get standardized toolbar support
: * File upload indicator
: * Home button will be replaced with a Home app tab
: * In-browser preview for files such as PDF or MP3
: * Taskbar web apps
: * Identity manager
: * Easy access to social media accounts for services such as Facebook and
:   Twitter
: 英文版下載:http://goo.gl/bx1II

  剛剛受到的 Mail 內容 http://i.imgur.com/wO8Ag.jpg

  We need your help testing our latest feature, the channel switcher. The
  channel switcher allows you to switch back and forth between the latest
  aurora and beta builds, allowing you to test upcoming features in both
  channels whenever you choose.

  * Please note that the beta available now is NOT the final beta of the
    next version of Firefox. This build is a copy of aurora re-packaged
    as beta for testing the channel switcher.*

  也就是說現在 ftp 上的 5.0 Beta 只是 aurora 重新打包用來測試 channel
  switcher 功能是否正常,不是真的 5.0 Beta

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
estupid:= =                                                     05/06 00:15
biostar:filehippo 上面已經可以看到 5.0 beta 1 了                05/07 02:23
sate5232:那又不是官方                                           05/07 08:34

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