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 作者  goldie (阿良)                                           看板  AVEncode
 標題  Re: [推薦] 最強渲染器 madVR 0.13
 時間  Mon Jun  7 19:47:55 2010

→ AlanLive:   不知道新版的那些刷新 GPU 的新功能要怎麼調整

引用至作者 madshi 寫的 madVR 0.14 release note
鏈結: http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1405640#post1405640

看 changelog 之後的 Explanation (名詞解釋) 部份

The new option "use managed upload textures (XP only)" changes the way madVR
uploads the video to the GPU. If you check this option, rendering will
probably be a bit slower, but changes between fullscreen and windowed mode
may work faster. This option is only available for XP.
madVR 0.12 behaved as if this option was checked.
madVR 0.13 behaved as if this option was unchecked.

新選項 "use managed upload textures (XP only)"
變更了 madVR 傳視訊到 GPU 的方式。
並且這個選項只有 XP 才能使用。
其實 madVR 0.12 的處理方式如同這選項是啟用的
而 madVR 0.13 是停用的。

The flush options control when exactly madVR flushes the GPU and in which way.
The option "don't flush" obviously doesn't flush the GPU at all.
The option "flush" flushes the GPU, but doesn't wait for the flush to
complete. The option "flush & wait (sleep)" flushes the GPU and waits for the
flush to complete, by telling to CPU to go sleeping for 1ms at a time.
The sleeping saves CPU resources, but the CPU may sleep too long,
wasting potential rendering resources. The option "flush & wait (loop)"
flushes the GPU and waits for the flush to complete, by constantly checking
the GPU state. The CPU (1 core) will run at 100% while waiting for the GPU,
when using this option.

新選項 flush 是控制 madVR 實際上是以何種方式刷新 GPU。
選項 "don't flush" 很明顯地是完全不刷新 GPU。
選項 "flush" 為刷新 GPU,並且不等待刷新是否已完成。
選項 "flush & wait (sleep)" 為刷新 GPU,
並且以 CPU 休息 1ms 的方式來等待刷新完成。
休息將節省 CPU 資源,但 CPU 也許休息太久造成浪費潛在的描繪資源。
選項 "flush &  wait (loop)" 為刷新 GPU,
並且以不斷地檢查 GPU 狀態的方式來等待刷新完成。
此選項會造成等待 GPU 時,CPU 其中一核心使用率將會高達 100% 。

My suggestion would be to start with all flushes turned off ("don't flush")
because that's the best, if you want to keep rendering times down.
However, doing it this way may cause stuttering, because the GPU might
become confused. So some flushes will probably be necessary.
If you find that flushes are needed in your case, try "flush"
(without waiting) next. If that doesn't work well enough yet,
try one of the wait options. Personally, on my Vista laptop it
seems that the best configuration is to set "after render steps"
to "flush" and to set "after last step" to "flush & wait (sleep)"
and to keep all other options at "don't flush".
But please find out your own best settings and report them to me.
Please, when you report them, state your exact HTPC setup, as always. Thanks!

我的建議是一開始先將所有的 flush 功能關閉 (勾 "don't flush")。
然而,此種方式會造成 stuttering (播放畫面變頓),因為 GPU 可能變得很混亂。
因此,flushes 將可能是必要的手段。
若你發現你的情況是需要 flush 的,則首先先試試 "flush" 功能 (無任何等待),
若你還是無法順利運行,則再試試有等待方式的 flush 功能之其中一種。
就個人意見而言,在我的 Vista 筆電上,它的最佳設定組態似乎是:
"after render steps" 設成 "flush",而且,
"after last step" 設成 "flush & wait (sleep)",
並且保持其他選項於 "don't flush"。



再來是看作者 madshi 寫的 madVR 0.16 release note
鏈結: http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1405710#post1405710


One thing to note: When not using "Flush & wait" for the "After last step"
setting, the OSD rendering time measurements are not correct. The
measurements only work if madVR is told to wait for the flush "After last
step". Which means that you should not base your decisions on the OSD stats,
only, but you should check for highest possible quality settings that still
achieve smooth playback with no dropped frames and no stuttering.

請注意一件事:當 "After last step" 不設成 "Flush & wait" 時,
OSD 描繪耗時量測值是不正確的。
描繪耗時量測值僅在 madVR "After last step"
被設成 "Flush & wait" 時才是正確的。
這表示你不該以 OSD 狀態作為你的選擇基準?。
並且依然不會有畫面丟失 (dropped frames) 或緩慢遲頓 (stuttering)即可。

請注意當 OSD 在 "After last step" 設成 "don't flush" 時,
其 Rendering Time 是不正確的。

看來 AlanLive 兄有得測了,科科XD。

→ web2312:60p的播放依然不順暢 在試過了若干flush combine settings  06/07 20:08
→ web2312:不過全螢幕跟視窗模式切換的lag問題已經沒有了             06/07 20:08
→ web2312:其他搭配reclock的話 24p 30p 播放可以幾乎不drop frame    06/07 20:09
推 AlanLive: 感謝翻譯,清楚多了,論壇上看到有人自稱 60p 流暢播放   06/07 20:16
→ AlanLive: 不知怎麼設定的                                        06/07 20:16
→ web2312:那一篇我有看到 不過只是比default順暢多了 還沒到         06/07 20:27
→ web2312:perfect smooth...以default來跑是嚴重掉格                06/07 20:27
→ web2312:修正一下我上面的推文@@ "60p" -> "60fps"                 06/07 20:28
→ goldie:我還很菜,連ReClock都沒聽過XD,樓上們都玩過這麼多啦@@    06/07 23:49
推 AlanLive:  原生 1080p 藍光動畫也沒辦法流暢播放,如 EVA 破       06/08 09:20
→ web2312:是指從頭卡到尾 還是偶爾頓一下?                          06/08 17:39
→ web2312:PS:如果用potplayer的話 不要用他內建H264解碼器           06/08 17:39
→ web2312:內建解碼效率很差 配madVR會嚴重lag                       06/08 17:40
推 AlanLive:從頭卡到尾,用 ffdshow 解碼器                          06/08 17:53
推 AlanLive:應該說,每秒都會掉格1-10張,雖然畫面上不一定看的出來   06/08 17:56
→ AlanLive:而且是在全螢幕模式下                                   06/08 17:56

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