# 資料申請攻略 FAQ ## Level 0 User ::: info 使用者想進一步了解或想像政府資料或資料申請小幫手可以為自己帶來什麼 ::: ### FAQ * 「政府資訊公開」,「開放資料」,「開放政府」和「開放政府資料」有什麼不同? * 資訊公開有什麼好處? * 開放政府資料有什麼好處? * 我可以申請嗎? 很貴嗎? * 資料申請小幫手專案的對象是哪些人? * 我可以從資料申請小幫手網站得到什麼? ## Level 1 User ::: info 使用者因為各種目的(如商業使用,關注環境議題等等),希望透過 data.gov.tw 取得資料, 但找不到對應的資料集,接下來該如何呢? ::: ### 美國 foia.gov https://www.foia.gov/faq.html * Learn about FOIA, Before you request, Create a request * What is the FOIA? * What is FOIA.gov? * Who can make a FOIA request? * How do I make a FOIA request? * Where do I send a FOIA request? * Is there a special form I have to use to make a FOIA request? * What can I ask for under the FOIA? * Who handles FOIA requests? * How is a FOIA request processed? * How much does it cost to make a FOIA request? * Can I ask that any fees be waived? * What will I receive in response to a FOIA request? * How long will it take before I get a response? * Can I ever have my request processed faster than usual or expedited? * Are there special requirements for obtaining records on myself? * What about requirements for obtaining records on someone else? * What are FOIA exemptions? What are exclusions? * How do I file an administrative appeal? * What is the Office of Government Information Services? * What is the Presumption of Openness and Who Issues Guidance to Agencies on the FOIA? https://www.foia.gov/how-to.html * How do I make a FOIA Request? * Is there a special form I have to use to make a FOIA request? * What can I ask for under the FOIA? https://www.fcc.gov/reports-research/guides/how-determine-what-information-subject-foia-requests * What Can I Obtain with a FOIA Request? * Are there any privacy considerations which the FCC must consider in granting your FOIA request? * Can the FCC deny my FOIA request? * How long will it take to get the information that I request? Required Information When Preparing Form G-639 https://citizenpath.com/faq/prepare-form-g-639-foia-request/ * Description of Records Sought * How long will it take before I get a response? https://citizenpath.com/faq/when-uscis-answer-foia-request-form-g-639/ * How much does a FOIA request (Form G-639) cost? https://citizenpath.com/faq/foia-request-cost/ * What is Form G-639, Freedom of Information Act Request? https://citizenpath.com/faq/what-form-g-639-freedom-information-act/ * What is Form G-639 Used For? * Correct Uses of Form G-639 * Incorrect Uses of Form G-639 ### 英國 https://www.gov.uk/make-a-freedom-of-information-request/how-to-make-an-foi-request * How to make a freedom of information (FOI) request * Contents * The Freedom of Information Act * Organisations you can ask for information * How to make an FOI request ### 加拿大 https://atip-aiprp.tbs-sct.gc.ca/en/Home/Welcome * Steps to make a request for general government records * Steps to request personal information * 要收申請費 A request made under the Access to Information Act has a $5.00 application fee. No other fees are charged. There are no fees for personal information requests made under the Privacy Act. 類似「我想要更多」 https://open.canada.ca/en/suggested-datasets [Make an access to information or personal information request](https://www.canada.ca/en/treasury-board-secretariat/services/access-information-privacy/access-information/how-access-information-personal-information-requests-work.html) * Who can make a request * Make a request online * Please note request service standard * Make a request online * Where do you go if you have questions? * You have sent in a request. Now what? Learn more about [How access to information and personal information requests work](https://www.canada.ca/en/treasury-board-secretariat/services/access-information-privacy/access-information/how-access-information-personal-information-requests-work.html) [How access to information and personal information requests work](https://www.canada.ca/en/treasury-board-secretariat/services/access-information-privacy/access-information/how-access-information-personal-information-requests-work.html) * What is the difference between the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act? * What are the roles and responsibilities of institutions concerning my request? * How do I make a request for government records or my personal information? * Will I be charged fees? * How long will it take to process my request? * Will I have access to all the information in my request? * How do I view records? * How do I correct my personal information? ### FAQ * What is the Freedom of Information Act to what documents does it apply? * Can a FOIA request be denied? * What are the nine exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act? * How much does a FOIA request cost? * Who can file a FOIA request? * Can anyone make a FOIA request? * What rights does the Freedom of Information Act 2000 give to everyone? * What information is available under the Freedom of Information Act? * What does a FOIA request cover? * Does the Freedom of Information Act apply to schools? * How many FOIA exemptions are there? * Where do I send FOIA request? * How do I submit a FOIA request to Uscis? * How do I submit a FOI request? * How do I submit a FOIA request online? * Is a FOIA request confidential? * What constitutes a FOIA request? * Can you FOIA a private company? * How do I request a police report? * How do I request public records? * How does the Freedom of Information Act 2000 affect businesses? * What right does the Freedom of Information Act 2000 give to everyone? * Can a Freedom of Information request be denied? ## Level 2 User ::: info * 使用者知道「資料申請小幫手」,已進入「政府資料申請指南」首頁 * 使用者已在「我想要更多」提出了申請案,並得到一些相關單位的回覆 * 使用者尚未取得申請資料 ::: #### If your request is turned down https://www.gov.uk/make-a-freedom-of-information-request/if-your-request-is-turned-down 可能拒絕理由:資料敏感性、需求描述不清、彙整要花太多錢 (450~600英鎊) 複審 申訴 #### If my FOIA request is denied, what can I do? https://www.fcc.gov/reports-research/guides/how-determine-what-information-subject-foia-requests 複審 訴訟 #### What can I do if my FOIA request is denied? https://www.iaf.gov/faq-items/what-can-i-do-if-my-foia-request-is-denied/ 申訴 訴訟 #### Why are Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests denied? https://www.civics-online.org/open-government/why-are-freedom-of-information-act-foia-requests-denied/ #### What Are Your Remedies Under FOIA http://www.dmlp.org/legal-guide/what-are-your-remedies-under-foia #### How do I appeal a response denying my FOIA request? https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/12/1202.9 申訴 #### How do I make an access to information or privacy complaint? https://www.canada.ca/en/treasury-board-secretariat/services/access-information-privacy/access-information/how-access-information-personal-information-requests-work.html 申訴 # 台灣 #### 20190507 [民間申請政府資料工作坊](https://hackmd.io/ZXLmoqzARlqGBOwNjp_sQQ#%E4%B8%89%E3%80%81%E5%B0%8D%E7%AD%96%E8%A8%8E%E8%AB%96) #強化行政工具 #建立協作網絡 #歸納相關判例 #透過立委協調及公眾倡議 #### 台灣政府開放資料平台 https://data.gov.tw/faqs #### 地方政府開放資料常見問題 https://opendata.tca.org.tw/index.php/article/readfull/4/2 政府資料開放平臺操作 教育訓練課程 – 一般民眾 https://www.google.com/search?q=%E6%94%BF%E5%BA%9C%E8%B3%87%E6%96%99%E9%96%8B%E6%94%BE%E5%B9%B3%E8%87%BA%E6%93%8D%E4%BD%9C+%E6%95%99%E8%82%B2%E8%A8%93%E7%B7%B4%E8%AA%B2%E7%A8%8B+%E2%80%93+%E4%B8%80%E8%88%AC%E6%B0%91%E7%9C%BE&oq=%E6%94%BF%E5%BA%9C%E8%B3%87%E6%96%99%E9%96%8B%E6%94%BE%E5%B9%B3%E8%87%BA%E6%93%8D%E4%BD%9C+%E6%95%99%E8%82%B2%E8%A8%93%E7%B7%B4%E8%AA%B2%E7%A8%8B+%E2%80%93+%E4%B8%80%E8%88%AC%E6%B0%91%E7%9C%BE&aqs=chrome..69i57.654j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#