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NGS 新知演講:CLC應用於微生物體學實例分享-自人體至環境之菌相分析


NGS 新知演講:C



摘要:至今透過高通量的研究從微生物體的發現越來越重要,這些發現揭開了環境與微生物菌群之間的生物關係。因此,CLCGenomics Workbench針對微生物體學分析開發新的延伸模組─CLC Microbial Genomics Module來探就微生物體的序列研究。在本次的案例分享中,我們透過CLC發表的實例中討論兩個分析案例:第一例是針對囊性纖維化患者來了解肺部菌叢及肺細胞纖維化之關係;另一個側重於真菌於環境微生物學研究。 我們展示了CLC微生物基因組學套組用於研究複雜微生物群落,以及在一系列微生物組樣本中識別這些菌叢的共同和不同族群的效用。讓您在人體至環境微生物菌項研究分析中,實現數據自產出到釋義皆於同一平台完美闡釋之分析體驗。


Case studies sharing through CLC Microbial Genomics Module -Researches on metagenomics from human to environment


Finding on Microorganisms is more and more important in the high-throughput studies from next generation sequencing data. These studies have discovered some of the relationship between environment and microbial communities. As a result, CLC Genomic Workbench have extended the new module for studying metagenomics─CLC Microbial Genomics Module. In this section, we demonstrate CLC Microbial Genomics Module to focuses on microbiome analysis, for the white paper we just released: one from cystic fibrosis patients, and a second focused on environmental microbiology study of fungi. We now demonstratethe utility of CLC Microbial Genomics Module for studying complex microbial communities and identifying both common and distinct members of those communities across a range of microbiome samples. In addition, the underlying CLC Genomics Workbench software, on which the CLC Microbial Genomics Module extends, enabled end-to-end processing, analysis and insight into microbiome data collected for any microbial research.


地點:國立台灣大學 (生命科學大樓三樓3C教室)
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