








護國宮 簡介



寺廟 沿革





The three mountain lords are Jinshan, Mingshan, and Dushan. It is a belief in which nature deities evolved into personal deities. “Zhao Ji Wu Su” means they are from the Sui Dynasty, “Xian Ling Wu Tang” means the three mountain lords showed their powers during the Tang Dynasty, and “Shou Feng Wu Song” means that Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty gave them the title “San Shan Guo Wang (three mountain lords),” also giving the temple a plaque “Ming Kuang.” The sacrificial ceremonies are divided into four categories: Spring praying for autumn rewarding, cultivating in summer, harvesting in autumn and storing in winter.Of the three mountain lords, Lord Jinshan’s name is Lienjie and called Bailian(white face), and was born on the 25th day of the 2nd month of the lunar calendar. Lord Mingshan’s name is Zhaoxuan and called Honglian (red face), and was born on the 25th day of the 6th month of the lunar calendar. Lord Dushan’s name is Qiaojun and called Hualian (painted face), and was born on the 25th day of the 9th month of the lunar calendar. Belief is in line with the traditional rural life and the implementation of solar terms. Temples play an important role in the spiritual sustenance of people.

Chang Yen-Ching saw how Hualien Huguo Temple was efficacious in the 25th year of Minguo (1936)when the Japanese still occupied Taiwan, and the Fenling (shared spirit/power)of Sanxian Temple for the three mountain lords on Taiho St., Dabei Township, Yunlin County welcomed the black faced third mountain lord into the house of Li Shui at the foot of Mt. Baluo (Mt. Meilun). There was an outbreak of malaria in 1951 while preparations were being made for temple construction. Construction of the temple began in 1957 (sweet potato farms are in front of the temple), and Lin Lian-Hui was asked to bring back the three deity statues from the original temple. An altar was built in the bamboo forest on the left bank at the south of Bingqiao Bridge on ShangzhiRd. and named “Huguo Temple.” Jao Ting-Hsing and his father Jao Te-Chi were responsible for the main structure, wooden structures, carvings, and Chen Ken-Chi was responsible for drawing the Qilin. Large religious festivals are held each year , taking the farmers’ four seasons as the calendar, the spring prays for spring works, summer sacrifices for summer works, autumn sacrifices for autumn harvest, winter sacrifices for winter storing (drama plays), and Hakka village temple celebration festivals, Dawang, Erwang, Sanwang, Birthday festival of Sanshan guowang and Chinese Ghosts Festival

and are especially meaningful to Hualien, allowing the religion to strike root in people’s lives. The temple is widely known for Hakka arts, including dance, martial arts, Chinese music, drums, and drum dance, combining traditional Hakka religion, festivals, Hakka settlement, art and cultural heritage, passing on traditional culture and history and promoting traditional Hakka religious culture and arts.

Taking the farmers’ four seasons as the calendar, the spring prays for spring works, summer sacrifices for summer works, autumn sacrifices for autumn harvest, winter sacrifices for winter storing (drama plays), and Hakka village temple celebration festivals, Dawang, Erwang, Sanwang, Birthday festival of Sanshan guowang and Chinese Ghosts Festival.

The first temple for the three mountain lords is located next to the city walls of Jiexi County, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province. The place was formerly known as Lintian City, so the temple was often referred to as “LintianTemple,” “Ming Kuang Temple” or “Guangling Temple.” The temple was built in the Sui Dynasty, over 1,400 years ago. Due to the miraculous experience of Sanshan guowangTemple, in 1936, Zhang Yan-qing returned to Taihe Street, Dade Village, Dabi Township, Yunlin County, to welcome the statues of Sanshan guowang to Hualian. Until the HualianGiant Earthquake happened in 1951, the believers began to raise money and started to build the Sanshan guowangTemple in 1956 and completed it in 1957. The temple management committee specifically sculptured the three Sanshan guowang statues from the west and assigned Lin Liang-hui, one of the committee members, moving the three statues to here to serve about from Datong Township, YunlinCounty, and officially named this temple as the “Hu GuoTemple”. In 2016, the government subsidized the construction of the “Build the Belief and Cultural & Historical Space Environment”, including kiln products, color painting and craft floor. Up to date, it has been a history of about 84 years already that combined the arts of Hualian Harbor shrine made in the Japanese occupied time (now is the Martyrs’ Shrine), Meilun River and Meilun Mountain, etc., having the space features of historical and cultural human-oriented friendly environment. With the cooperation of the Hakka Affairs Council, the Hu Guo Temple has completed the construction of ” Build the Belief and Cultural & Historical Space Environment”, built the Kiln works, east and west side archways, stage maintenance and renovation and artificial painted sidewalk for the developing history of this Temple, the temple building history and the immigration and reclaiming & cultivating story of the Sanshan guowang and Hakka immigrants in the south side, and the kiln works, plastic wood railings, temple-court and square paper mold process floor, etc., in the north side; the cultural features and styles can be traced back to the footprints of Hakka villager belief center.



花蓮の三山の国王寺廟は日本領時代の1936年に張燕清氏はその寺廟が非常に霊験という事で、雲林県大埤郷太和街の三仙亭の三山の国王寺廟の開祖寺廟から祭神の霊を分けて頂き、八螺山(美崙山)の麓にある李水氏の自宅に黑面の三王を迎え、1951年に寺廟の建設計画を開始したが、マラリアの大流行の為、1957年から建設し始め、 (寺廟前の広場は一面のサツマイモの畑だったが)林連輝氏が開祖の寺廟へ行って3体のご神体をお迎え奉り、当時に花蓮のの尚志路農兵橋の南側の左岸の下の竹林の中に祭壇を設けて礼拝し、「護国宮」と命名しました。当時の寺廟の建築は饒庭興先生と父親の饒德枝様が寺廟の建築本体を担当し、木造、雕刻などは陳根枝氏がキリンの絵画を手描きしたなど、…建設委員らが辛酸を舐めて困難を乗り越えて作り上げました。花蓮の護国宮三山の国王寺廟は每年定期的に大型な宗教祭礼の行事を主催している事は、伝統的なカレンダーである「農民暦」によって、春祈春芸(春は祈願)、夏祭夏耘(夏は耕作)、秋收秋祭(秋は収穫)、冬蔵冬祭(冬はストックすること)(演劇の形で)及び客家庄廟会フェスティバル、大王、二王、三王の聖誕千秋(誕生日のお祝い)、お中元などの年中行事が行われる、花蓮に対して重要な意味を持ち、日常生活に深い信仰を市民の心に根深く築き、寺廟前の広場では、常に舞踏、武術、伝統音楽、大鼓、民俗舞踊の教習等の客家芸術や舞踊歌謡などを公開し、千里までに伝播しました。花蓮と台東のリフトバレーの客家の伝統的な宗教、祭典、客家の村、芸術文化と歴史を振興と結合をし、次の世代へ伝承し続けるようにと推進しています。今まで、上記の客家の伝統芸術と技術。















Origin of Hualien’s Huguo Temple for the Three Mountain Lords (Hualien City’s Hakka Belief Center)

The three mountain lords are Jinshan, Mingshan, and Dushan. It is a belief in which nature deities evolved into personal deities. “Zhao Ji Wu Su” means they are from the Sui Dynasty, “Xian Ling Wu Tang” means the three mountain lords showed their powers during the Tang Dynasty, and “Shou Feng Wu Song” means that Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty gave them the title “San Shan Guo Wang (three mountain lords),” also giving the temple a plaque “Ming Kuang.” Of the three mountain lords, Lord Jinshan’s name is Lienjie and called Bailian (white face), and was born on the 25th day of the 2nd month of the lunar calendar. Lord Mingshan’s name is Zhaoxuan and called Honglian (red face), and was born on the 25thday of the 6th month of the lunar calendar. Lord Dushan’s name is Qiaojun and called Hualian (painted face), and was born on the 25thday of the 9th month of the lunar calendar.

The first temple for the three mountain lords is located next to the city walls of Jiexi County, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province. The place was formerly known as Lintian City, so the temple was often referred to as “Lintian Temple,” “Ming Kuang Temple” or “Guangling Temple.” The temple was built in the Sui Dynasty, over 1,400 years ago.

The first temple for the three mountain lords built by immigrants in Taiwan is the “He Po Lun Lin Zhao Temple” in Xihu Township, Changhua County. Ma I-Hsiung and Chou Yu-Sen, followers of “Lintian Temple” in Jiexi County, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, carried incense-fire to Taiwan 325 years before Minguo, which is over 430 years ago. The temple was built 79 years before Minguo, about 184 years ago.

Chang Yen-Ching saw how Hualien Huguo Temple was efficacious in the 25th year of Minguo (1936)when the Japanese still occupied Taiwan, and the Fenling (shared spirit/power) of SanxianTemple for the three mountain lords on Taiho St., Dabei Township, Yunlin County welcomed the black faced third mountain lord into the house of Li Shui at the foot of Mt. Baluo (Mt. Meilun). There was an outbreak of malaria in 1951 while preparations were being made for temple construction. Construction of the temple began in 1957 (sweet potato farms are in front of the temple), and Lin Lian-Hui was asked to bring back the three deity statues from the original temple. An altar was built in the bamboo forest on the left bank at the south of Bingqiao Bridge on Shangzhi Rd. and named “HuguoTemple.” Jao Ting-Hsing and his father Jao Te-Chi were responsible for the main structure, wooden structures, carvings, and Chen Ken-Chi was responsible for drawing the Qilin. Large religious festivals are held each year and are especially meaningful to Hualien, allowing the religion to strike root in people’s lives. The temple is widely known for Hakka arts, including dance, martial arts, Chinese music, drums, and drum dance, combining traditional Hakka religion, festivals, Hakka settlement, art and cultural heritage, passing on traditional culture and history and promoting traditional Hakka religious culture and arts. The temple has over 82 years of history and offers historic and cultural features together with Hualien’s Gangshen Temple (now Martyrs Shrine)from the Japanese Colonial Period, Meilun River, and Mt. Meilun.

Hualien Huguo Temple is the oldest temple for the three mountain lords in Taiwan – Sanxian Temple for the three mountain lords on Taiho St., Dabei Township, Yunlin County (class three historic site). Chang Chung-I traveled to Taiwan from Guangdong Province during Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty 237 years before Minguo, and began making offerings to the three mountain lords of “Lintian Temple” for self-protection (over 342 years ago). The deity statues were then moved to his home. The temple was built in the 4th year of Emperor Tiachi during the Ming Dynasty (1624), about 395 years ago.

The temple’s geographic location is on the north side of Mt. Meilun, which was formerly known as Mt. Biegui, Mt. Bali, Mt. Baluo, and Mt. Milun. It was renamed Mt. Meilun in 1951 and has an altitude of 108 m, covering an area of 54.74 hectares; the current appearance is formed by tectonic movement between the Eurasian Plate and Philippine Plate. The Milun Fault is at the northwest, Qixingtan blind fault is at the north, Minyi Fault is at the northeast, Dongminyi Fault is at the east, Nanbin Fault is at the southeast, and Martyrs Shrine blind fault is at the south. The mountain continues to rise about 3-4 cm each year.

To the north of the temple, Mt. Meilun has a Martyrs Shrine, Ecological Exhibition Hall, Ecological Education Hall, Mt. MeilunScience Museum, cemetery for guards of the President’s Office, military fortress, terminal radar station, missile battalion, protection forest, water treatment plant, grassland, culture park, sports square, leisure platform, mountain top observatory, and natural ecological zone; a total of 17 cultural, military, historical, and natural ecological education assets. The Martyrs Shrine is in the form of China’s northern palace architecture, and was originally a temple in the Japanese Colonial Period for Hualien’s port deity. Mt. Meilun is a regional park in Hualien and inseparable from the daily lives of citizens, offering a secluded view of Hualien City during the day and night. Mt. Meilun has been a major tourist attraction in recent years.

Zigzagging through the south of the temple is the beautiful Meilun River, which originates from the north peak of Mt. Qijiaochuan (Mt. Ciyun)in the Central Mountain Range to the northwest of Hualien City, reaching the Pacific Ocean to the east, to Jian River to the south, and Mt. Jialiwan in the watershed of Meiji River to the north. The upstream water source is Shapodang River. Meilun River stretches 15.4 km and has a basin covering 76.4 km2. The S-shaped river flows through the beautiful Xiulin, Xincheng, and Jian Townships, as well as Hualien City’s downtown area, passing through Shuiyuan Bridge, Shuiyuanda Bridge, GuofudaBridge, Jiaguo Bridge, North-Link Line Bridge, New Port Railway Bridge, Nongbing Bridge, Sanhao Bridge, Shangzhi Bridge, Zhongzheng Bridge, Qinghua Bridge, Zhongshan Bridge, and Old Port Railway Bridge. The river water is clean and about 26.4 m long of coral trees grow along the south bank of Meilun River, adding to the splendor of the temple. Coral trees can grow up to 27 m high with red flowers that look like fire crackers from a distance. The flower period is March to April and fruit period is August. The coral trees look like they are overflowing red firecrackers during the flower period, and signal that spring has arrived. Hence, they are also known as four season trees. Visitors that see the beautiful scenery of the park feel closer to the Hakka belief center, which shine on the beautiful scenery of coral trees along the banks of Meilun River. Citizens ride their bicycles and go for strolls along the river bank during sunset, and enjoy different ecological scenery along with way, allowing local Hakka religious culture to achieve sustainable development.

The temple covers an area of over 400 pyeong and is a three section compound with a Pailou (built in January 1971)on the east side, furnace (built in 2006), pavilion (demolished), main hall, side hall, Pailou (built in winter 1970)on the west side, and stage (built in 1956)with a total floor area of 113 pyeong. The gate of the main hall has the plaques “Guo Tai Min An” and “Feng Tiao Yu Shun,”and there are three plaques on the outside of the temple “HuguoTemple,” “Bao Guo Wei Min,” and “Yu Zhi,” which were put up in 1964 and 1968.

The Hakka Affairs Council approved a subsidy for the construction of Huguo Temple for the three mountain lords, creating a religious, cultural and historic space from the origin to rebuild the Hakka belief center, including a wall of history, wear resistant flooring, walkway of history, Pailou on the east and west, stage repair, entrance image, stairway improvement, inner retaining wall, embossed ceramic plates, colored pebbles in the temple hallway, stucco washing finish, paper molding terrace, kiln bricks, public restroom, etc. The temple for the three mountain lords represents the formation of Hakka temples in Eastern Taiwan, the native architectural spirit, and cultural and historic literacy, becoming an important landmark for the new face of the belief. There are three levels to the architectural style, spatial image, and cultural connotation of historic buildings: 1. The religious space of Hakka people in Hualien, 2. Art group study space, 3. Care for the living space of the common folk; the vintage and classic beauty of the temple has made it a tourist attraction for tourists around the world.

Made by Hualien Huguo Temple (Temple for the Three Mountain Lords)on May 16th, 2018


























●八螺疊翠 溯古返今:







Origin of Hualien’s Huguo Temple for the Three Mountain Lords (Hualien City’s Hakka Belief Center)

The three mountain lords are Jinshan, Mingshan, and Dushan. It is a belief in which nature deities evolved into personal deities. “Zhao Ji Wu Su” means they are from the Sui Dynasty, “Xian Ling Wu Tang” means the three mountain lords showed their powers during the Tang Dynasty, and “Shou Feng Wu Song” means that Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty gave them the title “San Shan Guo Wang (three mountain lords),” also giving the temple a plaque “Ming Kuang.” Of the three mountain lords, Lord Jinshan’s name is Lienjie and called Bailian (white face), and was born on the 25th day of the 2nd month of the lunar calendar. Lord Mingshan’s name is Zhaoxuan and called Honglian (red face), and was born on the 25th day of the 6th month of the lunar calendar. Lord Dushan’s name is Qiaojun and called Hualian (painted face), and was born on the 25th day of the 9th month of the lunar calendar.

The first temple for the three mountain lords is located next to the city walls of Jiexi County, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province. The place was formerly known as Lintian City, so the temple was often referred to as “LintianTemple,” “Ming Kuang Temple” or “Guangling Temple.” The temple was built in the Sui Dynasty, over 1,400 years ago.

The first temple for the three mountain lords built by immigrants in Taiwan is the “He Po Lun Lin Zhao Temple” in Xihu Township, Changhua County. Ma I-Hsiung and Chou Yu-Sen, followers of “Lintian Temple” in Jiexi County, Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, carried incense-fire to Taiwan 325 years before Minguo, which is over 430 years ago. The temple was built 79 years before Minguo, about 184 years ago.




Introduction to Gods



一、包公 Bao Gong


Bao Gong’s name is Bao Zheng, who was a Northern Soong Dynasty Chinese, born on Lunar Calendar February 15 of Soong Zhenzong 2nd year in Soong Dynasty (March 5, 999), located at Shenxian of Luzhou County in Northern Soong Dynasty. He died on June 5, 1062 at the age of 63. His courtesy name is Xiren. He is famous for his honesty and justice, and dare to punish the illegal activities made by the powerful persons. Zhao Zhen, Emperor Ren ZONG of the Soong Dynasty, granted him the founder Duke of DonghaiCounty, the Minster of Rites, with the posthumous title of Tao-Shu-Dao. It is said that he was reincarnated by Wen QuStar. After his death, he became one of the kings of Yama in the fifth Hall of hell. He is also known as the Lord of SenluoHall and Yama Tianzi, the Baofu Chitose and the Wen QuStar Lord. He was called the”Bao Qing Tian” by later generations and was regarded as the God of Chinese Justice.



二、福德正神 God of Fu-De



The Tudi gong, also known as the “God of Fu-De”, was born on February 2 of King Zhou, died in King Zhou Mu 3rd year (1032 BC). When he died, he was 102 years old. In the 24th year of King Cheng in Zhou Dynasty (1098 B.C.), when he was 36 years old, he was a Chief Taxes Official, honest and diligent in his duty and made effort to people.

It is recorded in the “Fu De Zheng Shen Zhen Jing” that “Zhang Fu-De was granted the title of Fu De Zheng Shen by Emperor Jia Qing on February 2nd in the Qing Dynasty. Meanwhile, it also records that “the August 15this the God’s birthday, which was welcomed by farmers and fishermen”. On December 16th of the lunar calendar, which is the last time to do “Ya (Lunar Crescent)” to worship the Tudi gong, these three days all are his birthdays. In different regions and documents, the Tudi gong has different names, such as the “Tu Zhi Gong”, “Bo Gong”, “Hou Tu”, “She Shen” and so on. People believe that “land represents wealth”, so the Tudi gongis regarded as the God of wealth (Cai shen)and fortune, and Tudi gong has become the most people-friendly God, called the Tudi gong of farms that guards people in the farms.



三、虎爺 Tiger Lord 虎爺



Tiger Lord’s birthday is on June 6th of the lunar calendar. It is a kind of animal gods in folk religion that worships tiger as God. The Tiger Lord is worshiped in the temple as the sacrificial god, and is the riding seat of the folk gods. For example, the Tudi gong, God of Bao Sheng Emperor, God of Western Qin King, God of Wealth Zhao Gong-Ming and Zhang Tian Shi, the founder of Taoism, are all seated on tigers. The Tiger Lord is usually a sacrificial deity. It will be called “General Tian Hu”, “General Flying Tiger”, “Mountain Army Worshiping God”, “General Ground Tiger”, “Marshal Xia Tan”, “General Xia Tan”, “General Black Tiger” and “Tiger Champion” according to various regions, main worshiping gods and legends.

The statue of Tiger Lord God is mostly provided under the God table, which is the most easily seen height for children’s sight, and is regarded as the patron saint of children. The main offering in worshipping Tiger Lord God is eggs. People can break an egg on their forehead and eat the peered egg to dispel evil and turn bad luck to good one. Tiger Lord God is also the God of Wealth, known as the “money biting Tiger Lord”, which can help worshipers to bite money into their pockets. In addition to the meaning of exorcism, it also has the function of quickly showing the power of Master God, with the function of exorcising evil spirits and protecting temples.



四、關聖帝君 Holy Emperor Guan 関聖帝君



The birthday of Holy Emperor Guan is June 24th of lunar calendar, which is the earliest recorded in the “Annal of the Three Kingdoms”. He was born at Xie Country of HerdongProvince in later of Eastern Han Dynasty. The worship towards Guan Yu refers to the worship of deifying Guan Yu, a general of Liu Bei in the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period. Because of the image of loyalty, righteousness and bravery he carries, he is often called the Guan Gong, Guan Er Ye and Guan Lao Ye by the people, and was praised and conferred by the later emperors many times, until he was granted as the “Martial Sage”, as famous as Confucius, the “Sage of Literature”. Therefore, he is also commonly known as Guan Sheng Di, Guan Di Jun, Holy Emperor Guan, Guan Di Ye and so on.

In the time of Soong Zhe Zong (1096)in Soong Dynasty, the temple was granted as a martyr. During the reign of Emperor Hui Zong in Soong Dynasty, he became the ZongHui Gong and was still honored with new titles. Later, in the Southern Soong Dynasty, he became the King of Ying Ji. Due to the spread of writer Luo Guan-Zhong’s “Three Kingdoms” and local operas, as well as the political advocacy of Soong, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, in the Qing Dynasty, Holy Emperor Guan was already the guardian God of soldiers, and he was given the name of Loyal God and Martial Spirit to protect the Land of Guan Sheng. Buddhism called it “samghrama”, which means “Guardian God”. Therefore, the Holy Emperor Guan is the Wen Chang God of scholars, the God of War of the military and polices, and the God of Wealth of businessmen. He has become an important god in the entire Chinese world and various industries.


五營旗 Five Camp Flag

五營旗 介紹



五營旗 英文介紹

The Five Camp Flags, also known as the Five Direction Flags or the Camp Head Flags, are the triangular flags made according to the five colors of the five camps. Each flag bears the title of the camp marshal and numbers of troops and horses, and are usually inserted in the four sides of the bucket seat according to the direction. The five camps are divided into five divine armies named the “East camp army – Green Flag (Green Dragon)”, “South camp army – Red Flag (Rose Finch)”, “West camp army – White Flag (White Tiger)”, “North camp army” – Black Flag (Xuanwu Turtle), “Central camp army – Yellow Flag” to resist the evil spirits.

The Five Camp worship is an important part of Taoism and even folk belief. The structure of deities in Taiwan’s folk beliefs is based on the traditional monarchy system. It has a set of elaborate work split and strict organization of the Theocracy System. The Five Camp diving worriers are the “military system” responsible for the Combat Defense of diving and human worlds. The Five Camp diving worriers are basically made up and trained from the “lonely spirits and wild ghosts”, and all of them still retain human habits. Therefore, after the mission, the temple will “reward the worriers” and “worriers collection”. The purpose of “collecting the worriers” is: First, to give the five camp diving worriers a rest during the “consolation leave”; second, to “remove the defense”, avoiding conflicts between the five camp worriers and the hovering spirits. “Worriers collection” is also called “troops collection” and “solders collection”, which symbolizes the successful completion of mission.

五營旗 日文介紹








1. 聖杯:筊杯一正一反代表所請示祈求之事神明應允、贊同、可行。

2. 陰杯:筊杯兩平面朝下,表示神明否定、生氣、或者不應許所求之事。

3. 立杯:一般人擲筊多半對神明「有所求」,相傳若為「無所求」的信徒,容易擲出「立筊」,會被善信視為神蹟。

4. 笑杯:筊杯兩平面朝上,代表神明笑而不答,意為陳述不清、無法裁示或明知機緣未至不足,或所提問題自有主張、已有定數,不置可否。


Divination Blocks筊杯

Divination Blocks (throwing poe), pronounced as “BwaBwei” in Taiwanese are two moon-shaped, wooden or plastic red blocks – transliterated as “poe”. Throwing poe is similar to a coin toss. People “throw poe” to solicit divine answers. For the perplexed, divination blocks can serve as guiding reas-surance.

Worshippers hold divination blocks prayerfully between the palms while asking god a question. Once the question is asked, the asker opens their hands and lets the blocks fall to the floor. God’s answer to your question can be interpreted based on how the blocks land, as the following positions.

Shing-bwei (positive:flat side up, negative: bulging side up)聖杯

One negative and one positive represents the approval of the god in the matter of your prayers .

Yin-bwei (bulging side of both blocks faces up)陰杯

Two negatives mean that the god disagrees, is angry or does not agree to grant your request.

Kia bui 立杯

The blocks do not fall over but instead stand on end. Usually, when people throw divination blocks they want to ask the god for something. It is said that believers who ask for nothing can more easily throw kia bui; this is seen as a mira- cle by believers.

Chiu-bwei (two blocks with flat side facing up)笑杯

Two positives represent that the god smiles but does not reply, meaning that the explanation is unclear, no decision can be made, or the time is not right to pose this question. It could also mean that the person asking has already made up their mind so they don’t need to ask the god.


筊杯(又は擲筊)とは、台湾語で「ボア ボエィ」といい、「杯(ベイ)」と発音が似ている。木またはプラスチックで作った赤い三日月形のものがペアで、コイン投げと同じ行為。迷ったとき、困ったとき、信者は「擲筊」によって鬼神の指示を仰いで、イエスかノーかを聞いているのである。


1.「聖杯(シン ボエィ)」:表と裏(凸面)が1つずつ出ればイエス。神様は願うことに賛成し、許可を得たという意味。



4.「笑杯(チョー ボエィ)」:両方裏ならノーコメント。質問の意味がよくわからないので、もう一度別の言い方で聞いてほしいという意味。



Drawing a Chinese Fortune Stick 抽靈籤 おみくじの引き方について

When a believer faces a crossroads in his or her life, they may seek divine answers. The ancient tradition of using Chinese fortune sticks is a way for these people to converse with the gods. If you wish to ask god a question, you may participate in the ritual by following the steps below to find god’s answer.



I. Request to draw a Chinese fortune stick 請求神明賜靈籤 神様にお願いすること

1. Tell the god your name, address, birthday and your question or wish.



2. Throw the divination blocks to find out if god will allow you to draw a Chinese fortune stick.



3. If the god says yes (Shing-bwei, where one block has the flat side facing up, the other facing down), draw a Chinese fortune stick from the lot tube.


「聖杯(シン ボエィ)」が出れば、おみくじ1本を引いてください。

4. If the god says no (Yin-bwei, where both divination blocks have flat sides facing down), or simply smiles(Chiu-bwei, where both flat sides face up)it is not the right time for you to be making this request. You may formulate a different request and start over with step 1.


「陰杯(インーボエィ)」若しくは「笑杯(チョー ボエィ)」が出れば、タイミングが違うという意味で、もう一度擲筊を行い、別の言い方で聞いてください。

II. Verify that you have drawn the correct Chinese fortune stick 確認靈籖 おみくじをご確認ください

5. Once god allows you to draw a stick, place it on the altar table while you seek further approval. The divination blocks must then be tossed again to find out if this is the stick the god intends you to have. If three Shing-bwei are thrown in a row, this means it is the right stick.


神様の指示を仰いでおみくじを引くと、テーブルの上に置いたまま、擲筊を行ってください。「聖杯(シン ボエィ)」が3回出ればOKだという意味。

6. If one throw is Yin-bwei or Chiu-bwei, it means this is not the right stick. Please place this Chinese Fortune Stick to the side (do not put it back in the lot holder to ensure it won’t be drawn again). This requires that a new stick is drawn and the divination blocks thrown again until god approves of the stick you have drawn. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until three Shing-bweiare thrown in a row.


「陰杯(インーボエィ)」若しくは「笑杯(チョー ボエィ)」が出れば、おみくじを間違えて引いちゃったから、そのおみくじをそばに置いたまま(2回目間違えて引くことを避けるために、箱に入れないでください)、もう一度擲筊を行ってください。「聖杯(シン ボエィ)」が3回出ればOKだという意味。

III. Match the Chinese fortune stick to the fortune.拿到對應的籤詩 正しいおみくじを受け取ってください

7. After god says ‘yes’ three times in a row to the stick you have placed on the altar, find the fortunes cabinet. Each Chinese fortune stick corresponds to one of the drawers in the cabinet. Open the corresponding drawer and take out one slip of paper. This paper has a fortune written on it that answers your questions.


「聖杯(シン ボエィ)」が3回出れば、棒引きに対応するおみくじを棚から取り出してください。そのおみくじに書かれている籤詩は神様からのメッセージです。




籤  詩








This divination tells of the greatest possible good fortune, shining most auspiciously on every aspect of your life, provided only that you hold sincerely true to your faith.





★地址:970花蓮市尚志路2號 電話:03-8334848


