
Basic Information

A Credit

The school will help you to select a specific course in the second semester of your freshman year to complete A credit.


B credit

Participation in activities 活動參與

  1. Participate in THREE B credits certification activities in ONE semester.


  1. Three B credits certification activities need to be held by the same club.


  1. Complete the certification document and send to ddirsa7thcertification@gmail.com with PDF format in ONE week after the activities.



C credit

Execution of activities 活動執行

  1. Be a worker in an activity in any of the semester.


  1. Complete the certification document and send it to ddirsa7thcertification@gmail.com with PDF format in ONE week after the activity.

於活動結束後一週內填寫結案報告 (認證單),並上傳PDF檔案至認證長信箱。

Where to create certification documents?

Check here to see how do create and download the format.

Where to send certification documents?

1. Certification email 認證長信箱


2. Certification documents need to be sent in PDF files.


3. The subject of your letter needs to be sent in this format.


Format: Your student ID_[Chinese Name] [English Name]

E.g. 410800154_陳妤瑄 Louise


  1. Everyone needs to get these credits to graduate.


  1. It is not allowed to fill up both B credit and C credit in the same activity.


  1. This credit is not included in the grade calculation.


  1. If your certification document contains more than three typos or informal words, it will be returned by the school system.


  1. If your document is returned, please modify the error(s) and send it to the certification (Louise) email before the due time.


Check Q&A section for more.

Certification (A/B/C Credits) Q&A

How to check which A/B/C credits I completed?

You can check the steps here.

What are the credits required for graduation?

Basically you need to meet the following.

  1. Acquiring minimum course credits from courses that meet all requirements(check details here)

  2. One "A credit" which you can get from an automatically added course in freshman second semester

  3. Three "B credits" which you can get from club activities

  4. One "C credit" which you can get from club activities

Can I receive B or C credits before joining the membership fee?

No, you can only get the B and C credits from the SA after you pay the membership fee.

What is the difference between B and C credits?

The main difference is that B credits are "participation." C credit is "execution."

Usually, activities that provide C credits take up more time or effort because you will be involved in running the event. In contrast, you can get B credits by only attending an event, activity, or seminar.

Do I have to take "three B credits" and "one C credit" from the same club?

No, you can take B and C in different clubs. The three B credits has to be in the same club or SA.

Is there any way to receive B and C credits in the same semester?

Yes. If you join two clubs and receive three B credits in one and one C credit in another, you can receive them in the same semester. Please plan so that you can receive it before your graduation.

If I miss any of the activities, will I not be able to graduate?

In DDIRSA, we will provide several activities, events, and seminars every semester. You will have enough chances to receive the required certificate for graduation within four years. (Check for upcoming DDIR events here)

However, in other clubs or student associations, (unusual but) you might not be able to receive any more. Please check that the club or student association can help you get the credits mandatory for graduation before you enter or pay the membership fee.

What if I get COVID-19 or close contact and I have to quarantine and cannot attend the DDIR event?

Please follow the government and school regulations, and contact DDIRSA or DDIR office. You will have several chances to receive B or C credits each semester, so do not worry.

Do I have to take A/B/C credits in DDIR Student Association (DDIR club)?

No, you can choose to join other student associations or clubs.

However, some club or association does not help or provide enough events to attend, so before you enter or pay the membership fee, make sure they can help you get the credits mandatory for graduation.

Can I attend DDIR events without becoming a member? Can non-members join DDIR events?

Yes, you are welcome to join us at events, no matter which club or department you belong to. However, to receive the credits required for graduation, you must pay the membership fee and become a member.

How can I join DDIR Students Association?

You can contact our Finance(Sean 黃玠翔) in person, via Official LINE, Official Instagram, or by email and make an appointment for membership fee payment. After paying your membership fee, we can help you receive B and C credits.