上傳自備課程(探究策略)-檔名:工作坊日期+兩位夥伴的姓名ex.1110723 鄭敬儀&楊永吉

This uploader is not available anymore

Active until January 25th, 2024

Use for free

DriveUploader offers a friendly app running in a web browser that supports unlimited uploads for free!

No size limit

Do you used to receiving large files?
DriveUploader doesn't know file size and type limits


DriveUploader doesn't store your files, they go directly from the sender to your Google Drive, making it safer than email

Do you want to save time?

Receiving files of any size and type directly to Google Drive is the perfect way to save a lot of time. No more struggling with emails and resaving files from third-party apps to your cloud.

Start for free