• 書號:AFSK0179
  • Lexile:
  • 作者: Aura Parker
  • 繪者:
  • 譯者:
  • 適合年齡:3~6歲
  • 規格:21x28cm/平裝/彩色/40頁+1CD
  • 出版日期: 2017年
  • ISBN:9789811106880
  • 定價:$350
  • 售價:$263
One, two three. One, two, three. Why won't someone play with me? 
Heidi is a stick insect, long and thin like the twig of a tree. 
It's her first day at Bug School, where she hopes to learn lots and make new friends. 
But no-one will talk to her...and no-one will play with her at lunch. 
No-one even notices her! Perhaps she's blending into the twigs a little too well? 
Luckily, Miss Orb comes up with a plan to help Heidi stand out.