[FANCAFE] 140212 IU replies to fans’ comments (Part 3) - 7:10 AM


Fan: Between guksu, ramen, black bean, cold noodle, knifecut noodles, spaghetti and udon, which would you choose? I eat ramen most often.
IU: Knife cut noodles for me!!


Fan: I’m not jealous of your breakfast! What are you going to have for dinner?!=_=
IU: I’m going to order in chicken and pizza.


Fan: What’s the most delicious thing you ate this month?
IU: Potato hand torn noodles.


Fan: Which do you prefer, chicken or pizza??
IU: Chicken and pizza are of differnt class each. You can’t compare them!


Fan: How about going on an apple diet again????
IU: That’s a good idea too.


Fan: What was your weight when you stepped on the weighing machine this morning?
IU: It didn’t go up as much as I expected~ 47kg!


Fan: Do you prefer red bean buns or choux cream buns?
IU: Popping them one after another is the best, but if I have to choose one, then red bean buns.


Fan: Do you gave anything to say to this unni who is working hard.. I mean starving and working? So hungry..
IU: Ggyu way to go ggyu -inserts photo of piggy icecream(?)-

Translated by squishy with love

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