Ozcars 2013–25 Hottest Male Survivor Contestants of All Time!


The Ozcar reveals continue today as we bring back one of our most popular awards from last year, the top 25 sexiest male contestants! With the sexiest male already announced, it’s time to find out just who else made the overall list! There will be some that surprise, so click below to read on!

The sexiest male poll was a simple case of voting for who you thought the sexiest male contestant of all time was! There are numerous contestants who appeared on the list last year who make a return appearance, with amazingly only 7 new men appearing on this list compared to last years. The votes were added up from the online poll, as well as the Ozlets votes, and the results were tallied up to bring the following results:

25. Grant Mattos (Redemption Island) – 7 Votes


Last Year: 24th (-1)

American Football players are sexy. So there was no doubting that Grant would once again be on this list. Would be disappointed to drop a place from last year, but being from a forgettable season it’s a pretty good effort to once again make the sexiest male list. More male players need dreadlocks. Just saying.

24. John Fincher (Samoa) – 7 Votes


Last Year: 11th (-13)

A massive drop from last year, John just manages to salvage his spot in the top 25 sexiest males. In our recent Samoa Ozcap I said he looks like somebody you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley, but maybe that’s what is so sexy about the man? Or maybe it’s the whole rocket scientist thing. Can the women message me about that please? Thanks.

23. Yul Kwon (Cook Islands) – 8 Votes


Last Year: 19th (-4)

The first of seven male Survivor winners on this list, Yul suffers a big drop this year to fall outside the top 20. Still an impressive feat for a man that certainly has the smarts as well as the sex appeal and won close to ten years ago. Many people are desperate to see him return for a second time around, and with those abs in high definition, it certainly would be a sight for sore eyes.

22. Rudy Boesch (Borneo) – 8 Votes


Last Year: New Entry

Now don’t laugh. Clearly Rudy has enough sex appeal to get him 8 votes on this list. In fact he finds himself with the same amount of votes as three winners of the game. Has to be enough to seel him as a sexy male Survivor contestant. Maybe his most recent appearance on the Caramoan reunion reminded everyone just how hot he is? 

21. Rob Mariano (Marquesas, All-Stars, Heroes vs Villains & Redemption Island) – 8 Votes


Last Year: 7th (-14)

Poor Boston Rob. Going from 7th in 2012 to outside the top 20 in 2013, he’ll surely be disappointed with that result. Given though he has just about every other Survivor award in his back pocket, it won’t be as hard to swallow for him as for others on this list. If Amber can make the top 25 sexiest women, then does that make them the sexiest Survivor couple? You can be the judge.

20. Jud ‘Fabio’ Birza (Nicaragua) – 8 Votes

Survivor: Nicaragua

Last Year: 4th (-16)

The biggest drop of anyone on this list, Fabio went from a top 5 finish in 2012 that would’ve seen him be a finalist this year had he repeated the same feat, to just scraping into the top 20. Did people forget about him in 2013? Who knows, but maybe people need to take a refresher of Nicaragua to realise just how hot the man is. And this coming from a straight man.

19. Brady Finta (Vanuatu) –8 Votes


Last Year: 18th (-1)

Brady might not be the best Survivor player in history, but he still is remembered for being one fine looking man. Vanuatu actually produced a fairly attractive group of blokes, and I’m sure many women and some men would love to be surrounded by exploding volcanoes if it meant they got to hang out with them. Brady could be the one to rescue you from a flaming molten rock, think about that.

18. Brett Clouser (Samoa) – 9 Votes


Last Year: New Entry

Brett rockets onto our list in 2013 with a top 20 finish. An impressive feat for a man we literally hardly saw on Samoa and who would be a millionaire today if he could’ve kept his idol in balance just a little longer. Did that sound wrong? Well go and watch Samoa to get the reference if you don’t know what I’m talking about.

17. Tyson Apostol (Tocantins & Heroes vs Villains) – 9 Votes

Survivor: Tocantins - The Brazilian Highlands

Last Year: 14th (-3)

Ladies love a sense of humour in a man, and Tyson is by far one of the funniest contestants to ever play the game. He also has that raw sex appeal that makes him like the Owen Wilson of Survivor, just with a better nose. To make him even sexier, he is a Mormon. That makes him down with god. What great kids you would have with this man.

16. John Kenney (Vanuatu) – 10 Votes


Last Year: 12th (-4)

Vanuatu strikes again as John once again lands on the top 25 sexiest male list. Is it his eyes? That body? I personally like that hairstyle. It never seemed to change during his stay in Vanuatu, and there must be some secret to that. Any hairdressers give me some tips?

15. James Clement (China, Micronesia & Heroes vs Villains) – 10 Votes


Last Year: 17th (+2)

When you have as many muscles as James, you are guaranteed to land on a list of sexiest Survivor males. Especially when those muscles have muscles, and the muscles that have muscles also have muscles. It must be a hard life for James when he is constantly asked by women to remove his shirt. The same thing happens to me but only when women want to see what a whale looks like up close.

14. James ‘JT’ Thomas (Tocantins & Heroes vs Villains) – 11 Votes


Last Year: 6th (-8)

JT is another winner who had such a high finishing position in 2012, only to fall back significantly in 2013. That sexy southern accent is a big selling point, as is just about everything else about Mr.Thomas. Oh, and he also has a million dollars in his bank account and has good penmanship when it comes to writing notes to other tribes.

13. Bobby Jon Drinkard (Palau & Guatemala) – 12 Votes


Last Year: 8th (-5)

Everyone fell in love with Bobby Jon in Palau. Those puppy dog eyes and strong desire to win made him a big fan favourite, particularly amongst the ladies. Second time around he became the sexiest wide eyed contestant who wasn’t afraid to get into other players faces. And he is a country boy too who can do a good snot rocket. That’s a winner right there.

12. Ethan Zohn (Africa & All-Stars) – 12 Votes


Last Year: 5th (-7)

As sad as it was to see Ethan and Jenna break up, it did bring some good news for women right around the world. Ethan Zohn is single again. And what’s not to love about one of the nicest winners in the history of the game? He does have a history of falling for fellow Survivor contestants though, so maybe the best way to land yourself the Africa winner is to first get on Survivor then hope for the best!

11. Reynold Toepfer (Caramoan) – 13 Votes


Last Year: New Entry

Reynold has so many comparisons to Bradley Cooper that I’m expecting to see him with three other guys waking up in a Las Vegas hotel room and discovering there is a tiger in their bathroom. It’s not a bad thing really to be compared to a Hollywood actor, and given he seems to be heading out to bars with his fellow Caramoan contestants, you could find yourself sharing a drink with him as well as perhaps an Academy Award. I still say an Ozcademy Award is a lot more appealing. Next year Reynold, next year.

10. Burton Roberts (Pearl Islands) – 13 Votes


Last Year: 20th (+10)

Burton has an amazing leap up the list, going from 20th last year to entering the top 10. Was it our recent interview with him perhaps? Or maybe are people doing Pearl Islands re-watches in droves? Whatever the case, Mr.Roberts is here to stay, and many women are happy about that.

9. Ben ‘Benry’ Henry (Nicaragua) – 13 Votes


Last Year: 13th (+4)

The man to combine his first name with his last name enters the top ten in 2013 with gusto. Is it the fact he owns a bar and can get you free drinks? Or maybe the fact that he does combine his names together that makes him sexy? It’s another case of asking the voting public perhaps, but looking at his picture, he also needs to pull his pants up.

8. Pete Yurkowski (Philippines) – 15 Votes


Last Year: New Entry

Pete is one sexy man. I won’t deny it. He has a stare that pierces the hearts of anybody with a pulse. Be careful though, he might just hide something in your bag to get you into trouble and have some fiery Latin women following him around. If you can handle that though, go for your life.

7. Aras Baskauskas (Panama) – 20 Votes


Last Year: 9th (+2)

The man with the coolest name in the history of Survivor, Aras is a millionaire with a millionaires smile. Strong, athletic, funny and charming, Aras has had the female fans of Survivor swooning for more ever since he won the 12th season. Rumours going around say that we’re about to see him on Blood vs Water too, meaning the chances of seeing Aras making it even higher on this list in 2014 are very strong. Now you just need to learn how to say his name quickly enough to please him. Start practicing.

6. John Cochran (South Pacific & Caramoan) – 20 Votes


Last Year: New Entry

Is there something about men who burn faster than a cheap steak that is sexy? Perhaps, but the newest millionaire in the Survivor community certainly has an awe of sexy about him. Can you believe that he actually held a spot in the finals for the majority of the voting period before eventually being overhauled? Incredible to think from a man who I’m sure people are going to question his inclusion on this list. I for one say screw the negative thinkers and go and ask Cochran out on a date! The man will buy, he has the money!

5. Eddie Fox (Caramoan) – Final Voting Percent 14.96%


LAST YEAR: New Entry

Eddie has one cheeky little smile, and that was enough to give him a finals position on his very first attempt at the category. Not only does he have a cheeky smile, but he has a body to die for and a passion for dogs in bars. All of that adds up to one appealing male contestant that you would want to take home to your mother.

4. Ozzy Lusth (Cook Islands, Micronesia & South Pacific) – Final Voting Percent 16.42%


LAST YEAR: 3rd (-1)

The man with more looks than Madonna, Ozzy maintains a top five spot in 2013 but drops a place from third that he achieved in 2012. What is your favourite Ozzy look? Is it short and shaggy Ozzy? Very short hair Ozzy or Jesus Ozzy? Maybe you don’t care and just want to look at his body and eyes instead? Ask Amanda perhaps, she’ll be able to fill you in on his best features.

3. Jay Byars (One World) – Final Voting Percent 20.24%


LAST YEAR: 2nd (-1)

I’m as far away from being gay as they come, but when a man has as many abs on him as Jay does, even I could be converted. Seriously, what woman with a pulse wouldn’t want to grate a block of cheese on those things? It sounds like a perfect way to get a dairy product onto your sandwich. Hell, put Jay in between two slices of bread and you have a tasty treat right there. Surprising perhaps not to see him challenge more for the win in 2013, but he isn’t going anywhere. I’m sure we’ll see him in a similar position in 2014, unless somebody with more abs comes along in the next two seasons. And if that happens, then that man will have to buy me dinner. And a block of cheese.

2. Colby Donaldson (Australian Outback, All-Stars & Heroes vs Villains) – Final Voting Percent 23.41%


LAST YEAR: 1st (-1)

The reigning champion couldn’t repeat his win in 2013, and falls into the silver medal position. Still, for a man who first appeared on Survivor ten years ago to lose the award by less than 20 votes is quite an achievement and goes to show just how much sex appeal Mr.Donaldson still has to this day. The original Survivor hunk, Colby is always on everyone’s lips when it comes to name sexy Survivor male contestants and no doubt will be for many more years to come.

1. Malcolm Freberg (Philippines & Caramoan) – Final Voting Percent 24.96%


LAST YEAR: New Entry

The funny thing about Malcolm is that he was getting votes for this poll last year before he had even played the game. That’s just how SEXY the man is. Maybe it’s the long hair that turns women on. Or his cheeky personality. Or just everything else about him. Whatever the case, Malcolm walks away with his first Ozcar award and does so without even breaking a sweat. Maybe the women want him to get a bit sweaty though? That would mean he would have to take a shower, get naked and soapy and then get clean. Did I get you excited? Well look at the picture to calm yourself down, just a bit. Congratulations Malcolm!

If men aren’t your cup of tea, then tomorrow we bring you the top 25 hottest women in the history of Survivor so get excited!


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8 Comments on Ozcars 2013–25 Hottest Male Survivor Contestants of All Time!

  1. Grant Mattos at 25?? Has to be number 1 for sure!! (that’s pre-reunion makeover Grant Mattos at number 1 ofcourse!!)

  2. Where’s Erik Reichenbach. Love him or not he’s still HOT.

  3. Jsjdifjdjeisiskzjssudidjsj // June 17, 2013 at 6:26 am // Reply

    Wow, last year’s top 3 moved down a spot to accommodate malcolm.

    Never got hs appeal.

  4. My sexiest male didn’t make it.. Savage ❤

  5. Where’s Ralph from Redemption!? This is an outrage!

  6. Oh gosh cochran?!?!?! hahahaha

  7. Cochran received the same number of votes as Aras? WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 20 little Cochrans was voting for him:DD Then Aras should be 6th and Cochran 7th, but.. Cochran has nothing to do here!

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