The 38th APEC Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group Serial Meetings Registration Form

Participant Information (*required)
Please fill in English /請填寫正體中文
* 經審查通過後,將寄送報名成功通知信
* After verifying, we will send a confirmation letter to inform your successful registration.
*Family Name/姓: *First Name/名:
*Title/ Position 職銜/單位:
*Tel/連絡電話:Country code - City code - Phone No Fax/傳真:Country code - City code - fax No *E-mail
*Dietary Preference/飲食禁忌: ( )
*I will be attending the following conference (please refer to the website for agenda details)/我欲參與下列會議(會議議程請至網站“Conference”參閱):
APEC High Level Policy Dialogue on Resilient SMEs for Better Global Supply Chains (March 24)
APEC Accelerator Network Forum (March 25)
*Validation Code/認證碼