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Roy Halladay will not get the Phillies Opening Day start

Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Roy Halladay wipes his head during a workout at the team's MLB spring training in Clearwater

Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Roy Halladay wipes his head during a workout at the team’s MLB spring training in Clearwater, Florida, February 19, 2013. REUTERS/Steve Nesius (UNITED STATES - Tags: SPORT BASEBALL)


Roy Halladay has made ten straight Opening Day starts. There will not be an 11th:

Pitching coach Rich Dubee is not ready to announce the Phillies’ opening-day starter in Atlanta, but read between the lines of what he’s saying and you can conclude that the decision is down to Cole Hamels and Cliff Lee.

Not surprising given the year he had last year, the years Lee and Hamels had last year and lingering health concerns.

I would like to know, however, whether anyone believes that this negatively impacts Roy Halladay’s Hall of Fame case. Because I don’t. Indeed, it’s quite silly to say this is a factor at all when it comes to assessing Halladay’s career.

I would like to know, however, whether who think Jack Morris should make the Hall of Fame on the basis of all of his Opening Day starts thinks this matters for Halladay. Because it can’t be some invented standard that only applies to Jack Morris, right?