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 作者  keniori (每年都是一樣的願望)                           站內  Gossiping   
 標題  [爆卦] 駐外代表要求波蘭媒體修正新聞內容                                  
 時間  Sun Apr  6 01:38:06 2014                                                 
A Polish journalist accused Taiwan’s representative office of interfering      
with the freedom of the press by requesting a Polish media outlet to retract    
a report on protesters’ occupation of the Executive Yuan.                      

Having published a series of reports on the occupation of the legislature,      
the Polish media group Niezalezna — which owns several print and online news   
outlets in Poland, including the daily Gazeta Polska Codziennie, the weekly     
Gazeta Polska and the monthly Nowe Panstwo — received a letter from the        
Taipei Economic and Cultural Bureau in Poland, protesting its use of an         
analogy between the occupation of the Executive Yuan compound by protesters     
and the consequent violent crackdown by police and the occupation of the        
central square, Maidan, in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, by protesters who       
were also treated brutally by the police.                                       
While saying that Taiwan is a “robust democracy and the people in Taiwan       
enjoy a high degree of freedom of speech,” the representative office still     
requested that an “appropriate retraction can be made to present the current   
picture of this news story and avoid misunderstanding among people in Poland    
and Taiwan,” as “making an analogy between a fully fledged democracy and      
the bloodshed that happened in Ukraine” not only presents a “completely       
wrong image of Taiwan,” it is also insulting, the letter said.                 

Hanna Shen, the reporter for the media group who wroted the story, as well as   
several other stories on the student occupation of the legislature, said she    
was shocked when she received the letter.                                       
“My newspaper has been publishing articles very critical of the governments    
of Russia, China and the former Ukrainian government, but we never received     
any letter from the representative offices of those countries asking us to      
retract anything,” she told the Taipei Times in a telephone interview in       
“And those countries can’t be even called democratic,” she added.            
該篇報導作者Hanna Shen表示對於收到這封信相當震驚,Taipei Time電話訪問時他        

“I personally think this letter, as an attempt to influence, to control the    
way media in free and democratic Poland writes about Taiwan, is not             
acceptable,” she said.                                                         

Shen said that the analogy between Taiwan and Maidan was made by several        
students taking part in the protest who she interviewed, and that she           
believed the analogy was suitable after having personally witnessed unarmed     
students, doctors and journalists being beaten by the police when the           
government evicted protesters from the Executive Yuan.                          
“Not to mention that many media outlets around the world — including in       
Germany and in the US — have also made the same analogy in their reports,”    
 Shen said.                                                                     

“I wonder if the Taiwanese government has also asked them to retract the       
analogy,” Shen added.                                                          

When asked for a response, Zhang Ming-zhong (張銘忠), director-general of       
European affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that the ministry’   
s overseas mission would issue a rebuttal in the event of biased reports.       
As for the particular case concerning the Polish journalist’s complaint,       
Zhang said he is in the midst of contacting the representative office to        
better understand the matter.                                                   


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:                            
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1396719491.A.EC5.html            
jessicameng:丟臉 不是每個媒體都是中天好嗎                       04/06 01:40
miyatan:小刀高招高招啊 (遮臉)                                   04/06 01:40
mindsteam:馬政府真的不是普通的可恥。                            04/06 01:40  
greenlife:真的丟臉丟到國外去...                                 04/06 01:40  
SlimeKnight:連中俄前烏克蘭這些非民主國都沒這樣要求過 嚇到他們   04/06 01:40
lupins:還以為在台灣? 可以命令媒體撤新聞?                     04/06 01:40
HatomiyAsuka:這國民黨是不是以為國外媒體都跟中天TVBS一樣啊...    04/06 01:41
ilw4e:真的是不要臉到極點的政府                                  04/06 01:41
patoo:馬越怕丟臉就越應該讓國際知道                              04/06 01:41
Srwx:干涉外國新聞自由耶 原來台灣早已統一世界了(?                04/06 01:41
brighton16:馬政府執政六年,民主倒退三十年,還丟臉丟到國外去     04/06 01:41
m21423:竟然投出這種水準的政府  丟了全國人民的臉               04/06 01:41  
greedypeople:哎喲 干涉外國新聞自由啊?                         04/06 01:41
recx:丟臉丟到國外 這政府真的有夠反民主                          04/06 01:41
miyuika:怎麼這麼丟臉? 居然還想控制別國的媒體?                   04/06 01:41
inlanyu:先前菲律賓事件 國際一面倒地批台灣 怎麼沒看他們澄清呀??  04/06 01:42
DS196457:KMT平常操作媒體習慣了 現在連國外媒體都一起操作了       04/06 01:42  
chawer:波蘭媒體:新聞稿已發,一字都不能改!!!!                     04/06 01:42
wl760713:馬狗獨裁還怕國外知道喔 現在在怕2016國外沒地方給你去喔  04/06 01:42
arhuro:想隻手遮天 只是惹來更大的笑話而已                        04/06 01:42
Xavier114:挖操.......還想控制別國媒體..這些人是瘋了嗎...        04/06 01:42
recx:這政府他媽的就是獨裁 獨裁還怕別人說                        04/06 01:43
greedypeople:不過光想到泛藍親那種人也是國外使節 就有點不意外   04/06 01:43
xxKWANxx:這不是丟臉,那什麼才是丟臉?                           04/06 01:43
Kenneth716:丟臉的爛政府  小刀妳好厲害啊                         04/06 01:43
dlevel:素質比現實落後了數十年,專騙低素質的9.2。                04/06 01:43
reaper8046:外媒不是台媒 你怎麼命令就會當狗一樣聽 搞清楚 丟死人  04/06 01:43
CrazyR:丟臉  現在什麼時代了 還掩耳盜鈴                          04/06 01:44
ahahah:你他媽想控制台灣愚民思想就算了 還想控制外媒?頭破洞阿   04/06 01:45  
KCKCLIN:為臺灣有KMT這種執政黨感到悲哀,更為有689讓這種政府連任  04/06 01:45
KCKCLIN:感到更悲哀和憤怒                                        04/06 01:45
belucky:金小刀根本來亂的   沒招就認輸啦  要丟臉也請丟自己的臉   04/06 01:45
ALENDA:不是要駐外搜集留學生資料,就是外媒撤新聞,真是好樣的     04/06 01:45

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