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HANOVER, GERMANY - JANUARY 20: David McAllister (R), incumbent gubernatorial candidate of the German Christian Democrats (CDU), and Social Democrats (SPD) candidate Stephan Weil greet one another following a television news interview after initial poll results gave the CDU and SPD an even number opf seats with their respective coalition partners following elections in Lower Saxony on January 20, 2013 in Hanover, Germany. Many see the Lower Saxony election as a bellwether for national elections scheduled for later this year. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
图像来源: Getty Images


德国黑黄联合政府以失利进入选举年。麦卡利斯特(David McAllister)为首的基民盟—自民党组成的下萨克森州联合政府在昨天(1月20日)的州议会选举中未赢得多数,意味着黑黄联合政府在该州的10年执政期的结束,社民党人、现任该州首府汉诺威第一市长魏尔(Stephan)Weil将成为下届州长。不过,社民党和绿党在下届议会中仅具有一席微弱多数。此次选举被认为是预示今秋德国大选走向的一次重要民意测试。